Learn about spammer tricks 2

  • Tuesday, July 28, 2009
  • Labels:
  • MIME

    A two-part Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoded message can also be an effective tool for spammers. The plain-text portion may look like legitimate mail, and be accepted by the filter. However, the HTML portion shown to the recipient contains the spammer's message. To combat this, spam filters must check whether text and HTML portions of two-part MIME messages are the same.


    Spammers can send HTML messages with spam contained in a JavaScript that will only display the spam once the e-mail is loaded. To prevent this, filtering software needs to decode or block JavaScript.

    Different headers, same spam

    Another simple yet prevalent technique, spammers are sending the same e-mail content with different headers to increase their chances of bypassing filtering software.

    Confusing encryption

    In the business world, encrypted e-mails are often scrambled as a string of meaningless symbols and characters. Spammers have tried to replicate this by including lines of random characters in their messages. Filters may read this as encryption and accept the e-mail as coming from a trusted source.

    Lump Sum

  • Labels: ,

  • A lump sum of (£1,000,000.00GBP) has been credited to your E-mail Mr.
    Michael Smith.(uknl23@w.cn) Provide your Name,Country,Address,Tel,Occupation.

    A lump sum of (£1,230,310 GBP) have been credited to your E-mail Address.Congrats...Confirm this receipt by contacting Mr Larry Whyte.

    Email: (cgpaycenter2009@9.cn) your Name:___ Address:___ Age:___
    Sex:___ Occupation:___Tel/Fax:___Country

    Learn about spammer tricks

  • Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • Labels:
  • Open relay

    During the Internet's early days, open-relay e-mail servers were designed to allow a third party to pass messages through closed mail systems. Still used in some legitimate business operations today, an open-relay server can process a message between a sender and receiver who are not local users. The chance to use an e-mail server that may be distantly located from the sender and receiver offers

    spammers some address camouflage, although tracing them isn't impossible. Hijacking an open-relay server via the Internet is also attractive to spammers as they can use someone else's resources to send a mass of e-mail at a lower cost than using their own network.

    Creative HTML

    In blocking spam that is designed in HTML format, most spam filters recognise the special characters and formatting of HTML. However,

    some spammers have taken advantage of the flexibilities of HTML to write commonly detected words in ways that filtering software fail to recognise as spam. An example might be typing the word 'mortgage' to appear vertically, with each letter underneath the other. The advantage for spammers is the HTML e-mail can display words written like this in their normal horizontal form, thus presenting an

    easy-to-read message. Spam filters then need to understand how HTML is displayed to the user, not just scan the HTML code.

    you won

  • Labels: ,

  • You won 750,000 GBP. Send your Name and Country.

    another spam

  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009
  • Labels:

    I have an urgent business i wish to discuss with you. it's private and confidential please kindly back to me on, (m.ssandraroymond@yahoo.com)

    M.s Sandra Raymond

    See this spam what do you think?

  • Labels:

  • A lump sum of (£1,230,310 GBP) have been credited to your E-mail
    Address.Congrats...Confirm this receipt by contacting Mr Larry Whyte.
    Email: (cgpaycenter2009@9.cn) your Name:___ Address:___ Age:___
    Sex:___ Occupation:___Tel/Fax:___Country
    Copyright 2010 Who's Spam Me?