"FCI morgantown seems really nice to me. Especially compared to a higher security place. It is like a beautiful college campus. They live in units (dorms) and go to classes, work, dinner, watch football together, play cards, softball, workout, lift, cook. My boyfriend is there and he's doing just fine. The visitation goes well. just follow their dress code and there are no problems. There are lots of couples, families, and kids."Other posts echo this "country club" vision. Six years behind bars still may not cure Ralsky's chronic wish to spam, nor cure his over 20-years of criminal behavior, but it should cure his reported addiction to cigarettes as the prison handbook states "FCI Morgantown is a tobacco product free institution". This handbook is an interesting read.
Notes of encouragement to aid in his rehabilitation can be "snail mailed" (federal prisoners are not allowed email, sorry) to his new home address:
ALAN M RALSKYSpamhaus, on behalf of the world's internet email users, gives thanks to all involved. Big thank-you's to FBI Special Agent Tom Winterhalter, U.S. Attorney Terry Berg, AUSA Julie Beck, USPIS Postal Inspector Karl Hansen and IRS Special Agent Marta Jacks. Over the course of a three-year investigation and prosecution, the investigation & prosecution teams were able to identify and convict 9 domestic and international members of this spam & fraud conspiracy, including Ralsky and his associates.
Inmate Register # 19509-039
c/o Federal Correctional Institution Morgantown
P.O. Box 1000
Morgantown, West Virginia 26507
source: http://www.spamhaus.org