Dear Customer,
It has come to our notice that your account profile has not been validated since we upgraded our server. However, you're advised to kindly verify your accounting profile to avoid temporary suspension and also to enable you enjoy the benefit of our new security system which will help us fight against online fraud and threats.
kindly log on to our website below to validate your profile.
We are sorry for any inconveniency this may cause.
Thanks for choosing us!
(AmBank Group)
It has come to our notice that your account profile has not been validated since we upgraded our server. However, you're advised to kindly verify your accounting profile to avoid temporary suspension and also to enable you enjoy the benefit of our new security system which will help us fight against online fraud and threats.
kindly log on to our website below to validate your profile.
We are sorry for any inconveniency this may cause.
Thanks for choosing us!
(AmBank Group)
Beware! link lacation is : http://pfd.kkc.rmuti.ac.th/2555/images/index.htm
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